◊ This program is distributed as Shareware: if you like it or use it please honor the shareware system by sending $3 to the author at the address above. Since collecting international cheques is very expensive, please send cash only. If you MUST send a cheque, keep in mind that the banks will gobble up more than half of it.
◊ NOTE: Getting some (usually very few) bucks is what you write shareware for, but getting a note, a postcard or anything else is a lot better than getting nothing. I'd like to know how far this program has gone, so remember that you can do something nice even if you don't have a couple of $$$ to spare.
• Accelerations is an AfterDark™ module that shows some balls moving in the screen with random accelerations. You can change the number of balls, their size, the maximum acceleration and the frequency of acceleration variations.
• HAVE FUN! And don't forget to $$$ SEND YOUR CONTRIBUTION $$$ so that more cool utilities will see the light in the near future, at the low-low-low costs of shareware.